
- Varaktighet: 2 Timmar (cirka)
- Plats: Maryville, NSW
- Produktkod: PEAUNT
Whilst your little one plays you will have the opportunity to sit back and enjoy a coffee or join in the fun. Playgroups start time is flexible, you can start any time during the 2 hours meaning you can work around your toddler. Revolution playgroup is the perfect stepping stone into our Kindy gym as they gain confidence interacting with others.
When: Friday - 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Age: 5 and under.
Cost: $15 per child (Discount available with Loyalty Pass purchase)
Duration: 2hrs (flexible start and finish time)
Additional Information: If parents wish to have a jump in our park you can purchase a parent pass for $5
General access after the class or before is also provided for the discounted rate of just $5! (Please note that the General access will need to be purchased to use the trampolines during Playgroup also)
This will allow participants of classes to jump before or after for as long as they like.
Loyalty Pass Discounts:
10 Bookings = 15% Discount.
20 Bookings = 25% Discount.
Loyalty Passes are redeemable with no expiry. This means that if you miss a week or are away it will not exhaust a booking!
These can only be purchased internally, for more information call us on 02 4942 5956